British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2009 - The Challenge of Global Social Inquiry
The 2009 Conference is a new way of organising the annual conference of the Association.
Instead of the call for papers being organised under a single conference theme, participants can present on whatever topics they wish within broad streams (and open streams) that reflect the core research areas of the membership:
- Work, Economy and Society
- Medicine, Health and Illness
- Consumption
- Culture, Media and Society
- Theory
- Methods
- Generations and the Lifecourse
- Religion
- Social Divisions/Social Identities
- Science and Technology Studies
- Space and Place
- Social Relationships
- Education
- Open Stream(s)
We strongly encourage you to contribute posters/ papers and other activities addressed to these streams. There will also be opportunities for study groups to meet independently.
The BSA Presidential Address and two Keynote Plenaries organised to address the Conference theme: The Challenge of Global Social Inquiry
Within each of the main streams a sub-plenary will be organised to address the Conference theme. These sub-plenaries will be staggered across the Conference timetable.
Abstract submission form available from the BSA