Events Archive

  • Date: September 22 to September 23, 2021
  • Location: Victoria, BC

On September 22, 2021 (with an optional half day session on the 23rd), we are convening a workshop on the use of geomatics for health research. The objectives are to:
• Identify leading health geomatics techniques,
• Identify common misuses and barriers to the use of geomatics in health research,
• Set a training and education agenda to meet the needs of BC health researchers and analysts.

Workshop themes include:
• General Health Geomatics
• Health Services
• Space-time Disease Surveillance
• Environmental Epidemiology
• Mapping Health Data
• Privacy/Data Access.

There will be a series of presentations from internationally recognized experts including Professor David Briggs, Professor Andrew Lawson, Professor Mei-Po Kwan, Dr. Ellen Cromley, Professor Gerard Rushton, and Professor Marc Armstrong. Presentations will be followed by breakout sessions where the experts interact with participants in a series of moderated discussions. The following morning will include those interested in charting an agenda for health geomatics education and training in BC.

Registration is free and participants can include health researchers and analysts from BC’s academic and government agencies. Depending on available funds, travel bursaries may be available for participants.

  • Date: September 12 to September 16, 2021
  • Location: Mumbai, India

Who will take part?    
The Global Forum’s annual meeting provides the opportunity for presentations and exchange of views on key issues on the global health agenda. This year’s theme is poverty, equity and health research.

Participants from a broad range of constituencies are expected to be present: health and development ministries, multilateral and bilateral agencies, research-oriented bodies and universities, NGOs and civil society, the private sector, the media.

The programme
The programme provides opportunities for both formal presentations and constructive debate. Sessions will be constructed around invited presentations and accepted abstracts. Time is set aside for networking and personal meetings.

Features include: full plenary sessions; double plenaries; panel discussions; parallel sessions (including presentations, roundtables, discussion groups, workshops); special interest group meetings; poster sessions; the Marketplace.

For more complete information, visit the forum website at….


  • Date: September 19 to September 19, 2021
  • Location: Victoria, BC

Economics is of increasing importance in health research, both in the producing of knowledge and the use of that knowledge. It is common for granting agencies, such as the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, to favour applications which address economics in tandem with important clinical issues. Similarly, the end-users of research-generated knowledge must base service decisions on both benefits and cost. As such, it is important to appreciate how to conduct economic evaluations of new and existing interventions, and to be able to critically appraise such evaluations.

This one-day workshop will:

  • Introduce participants to health economics concepts
  • Demonstrate the applicability of such concepts to the evaluation of health care
  • Outline the methods used in economic evaluations and health care priority setting
  • Demonstrate the methods through the use of child and youth case
  • studies


  • Date: September 17 to September 17, 2021
  • Location: Vancouver, BC

Lesley Doyal has published widely in the fields of health policy and the sociology of health and illness. Her work has been translated into many languages and she is frequently invited to speak at international conferences. She is especially interested in the links between gender studies and health studies and in the interface between biological and social sciences. Her current research and consultancy activities are focussed mainly on gender, health and health care and she has worked on these issues for the World Health Organisation, the United Nations, the Global Forum for Health Research and the Commonwealth Secretariat. She is also a visiting fellow in community medicine of the University of Cape Town. Alongside her academic work she is also engaged in advocacy on a number of global health issues. She is a trustee of Womankind Worldwide and currently Chairs its International Programmes Committee.

Professor Doyal and colleagues in the Health and Social Care Centre are currently working on gender equity in health service delivery.

  • Date: September 28 to September 30, 2021
  • Location: The Rimrock Resort, Banff, Alberta


Speakers and sessions you won’t want to miss:

Elliott Churchill, formerly with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in Atlanta, who will talk about KT when there are no tech supports, and when the culture, language and lived experience of the audience are different from ours.


On the other end of the continuum, Wayne MacPhail will lead us through the latest social media tools like Twitter, Web 2.0, Second Life, podcasting and the like, that can support knowledge management and knowledge exchange. And he’ll make it seem easy!


Other sessions will explore storytelling, creating and sustaining a learning organization, people tools for KT, and profiles of projects and research from across the country.


You can also be part of the pre-conference workshops and networking opportunities!


Call for abstracts now available at


Note: Call for Abstracts deadline is July 21, 2008.


To register, click here <> . See the conference Web site for more information and updates.



  • Date: September 25 to September 25, 2021
  • Location: web cast

 A web cast is scheduled for Thursday, September 25,2021

to explore the issues of fall prevention and traumatic brain injuries.  The program is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health. The goals of this program are to increase awareness and understanding of the impact that falls and fall injuries, especially traumatic brain injury (TBI), have among older adults and on our health care system, and promote a national dialogue on using evidence-based interventions in communities across the United States to prevent falls and fall injuries such as TBI among older adults.

  • Date: September 16 to September 16, 2021
  • Location: Toronto

CAN - Spinal Cord Rehabilitation: Innovation, Impact and Future Directions


The 3rd National Spinal Cord Injury Conference and the 16th Interurban Spinal Cord Injury Conference will be held as one national event on Spinal Cord Rehabilitation: Innovation, Impact and Future Directions in Toronto on November 6, 7, 8, 2008. The conference will include a pre-course, plenary sessions, poster displays and concurrent workshops that are intended to promote collaboration and exchange among attendees in a variety of formats.

  • Date: September 25 to September 25, 2021
  • Location: Vancouver, BC or remotely via WebEx

Dr Michael Klein, MD; Dr. Christina Miewald, PhD; and Glen Hearns, MSc 

Health care decisions have profound impacts in rural and remote areas-especially for low volume services such as maternity care. Improving and aiding in the quality of these decisions is therefore of great consequence and high impact. From 2006-2008 an interdisciplinary team of investigators from health administration, anthropology, decision analysis, medicine, nursing, and sociology, came together to study the intersection between maternity care services and community sustainability.  The team conducted field work with community stakeholders and developed a decision support tool for policy-makers and administrators to assist in balancing priorities and values of the community and health care providers when determining maternity services for rural communities.  This BCRRHRN event will highlight this research project and describe some of the implications resulting from this work.
Click for event poster

Future Events