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Disabilities Health Research Network

The DHRN Logo – Symbolism of the Dandelion

Who are we?
What do we represent?
A logo can do much to answer these questions.

The Disabilities Health Research Network (DHRN) is a newly formed network of diverse individuals and groups who are committed to making traditionally under funded disability research a priority and giving a voice to current and future research activities. The dandelion was chosen, from a number of concepts, as the best metaphor to describe the efforts and goals of the DHRN.

The dandelion, a rugged and determined flower, spreads itself with little effort in unlikely places; that, once established, is difficult to ignore. The dandelion is also an unlikely beauty; a flower, but less appreciated. Finally the dandelion is a visual representation of an actual network, the seeds representing many things (with the potential of many more) coming together around a central hub.

— Resi Fladl, Product Designer

About the Designer

Resi Fladl is a product designer with five years of professional design experience ranging from medical device development to sports equipment design. Trained at Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design she brings a thorough creative process to bear on all her projects.

The DHRN wishes to thank Resi Fladl for capturing the essence of our Network in her design — a wonderful logo.

Last updated August , 2006