Sexual Health Research Network (DHRN) is an independent site with content in no way directly or indirectly influenced by the advertisers present on the site. The editorial team scrupulously respects the rules of medical ethics and journalism for all the content present.
The media is aimed at the general public who want to deepen their knowledge, as well as the health professional who wants to provide educational materials to their patients. aims to help patients prepare for their consultation, follow a healthy lifestyle and increase their vigilance in the field of therapeutic compliance and risk prevention. is prohibited from any form of online medical consultation. We will not respond to any request for medical advice regarding a personal situation.
The general information and advice offered on this site does not constitute a direct or indirect medical consultation. They cannot replace your doctor’s overall and personalized care. He alone has the power to distinguish between the information collected by you and your personal health.
The information available on the website should not be used in any way to formulate a diagnosis, determine treatment, take and/or discontinue medication without first consulting your treating physician or pharmacist.