We would like to invite individuals and groups committed to disability research to participate in the Disability Health Research Network's Participation, Coordination and Facilitation (PCF) Workshop Program this Fall.
The PCF Workshop Program has been developed to meet a need expressed by Disability Health Research Network (DHRN) members and community partners to expand workshop sponsorship and facilitation support. The PCF workshop program will provide funding to support disabilities health researchers and their community partners to bring individuals and groups together in a workshop setting to develop a research group, to develop research priorities, or to work on completion of a specific research funding proposal. In order to be funded by the PCF Program, the Letter of Intent must specify the production of at least one application for external, peer-reviewed research funding as an outcome from your workshop. For further information about the PCF program, please contact: Sylvie Zebroff, Provincial Coordinator at 250.807.8793 or email: dhrn.info@ubc.ca
A maximum of 6 individual PCF Workshops are being sponsored by the DHRN this Fall 2006. Funding is available for each PCF Workshop to an eligible maximum of $10,000. A Letter of Intent (LOI) completion is required for DHRN funding consideration. The DHRN PCF Workshop Letter of Intent (LOI) form is available here to download. You may also request an LOI copy to be forwarded to you via email or by mail. PLEASE NOTE: The LOI deadlines for this Fall 2006 PCF Workshop program are September 30th and December 31st, 2006. For any further details please call our Network Coordinator, Sylvie Zebroff, at 250.807.8793 or email: DHRN.info@ubc.ca.